The PE Playbook – July 2018 Edition

“Patience isn’t about waiting, but how we act when things take longer than expected. ” Paul Coelho

Blogger of the Month

Martin Bingisser is an athletics and throws coach who is the founder of Hmmr Media. His website Hmmr Media is a treasure trove of useful resources for the PE Teacher. Whether it is the articles from himself or other regular contributors on a range of topics such as Periodization & PlanningSports Science, or Endurance. On top of this he produces two excellent podcasts, the Hmmr Podcast which focuses on strength and conditioning and also the GAINCast where he and Vern Gambeta answers one question a week on training and coaching. So if you are looking for some quality training resources, articles, videos, podcasts or commentary on athletic development then you need to give Martin and Hmmr Media a follow.

Top 10 Articles of the Month

HOW Player-centred Coaching… I and HOW Player-centred Coaching… ii continues Nick Hill‘s exploration of his coaching and how he goes about trying to build a player centred culture within his teams.

Domain-Specific Knowledge: 1, Domain-Independent Skills: 0 is another excellent blog from Mirjam Neelam and Paul Kirschner on the importance of domain specific knowledge to solve problems rather than transferable skills.

No Feedback… No Learning! – A comprehensive guide to feedback in the classroom with Professor Paul Kirschner is a podcast interview from James Sims from the Everlearner with Paul Kirschner with the role of feedback in the 21st Century Classroom and how we can improve our delivery of it.

Fitness VS Movement: Science Shows Quality Training Matters is a piece from MovNat that summarises findings of a recent study on the benefits of a movement-based approach to fitness and physical performance.

The Present is Never a Clean Slate is from Mark O’Sullivan who asks the question how can we create learning environments for as many as possible, as long as possible, as good as possible.

Theories – there is more than one way to skin a cat is a reflective piece by Shane Pill that suggests that a teacher’s search for a ‘silver bullet’ approach in PE might be a pointless one and we should be open to embrace the many different ways on offer.

Acknowledging Bias continues Ash Casey‘s series of blog posts on PE Practitioner Research, this time tackling the topic of personal bias.

What the Blues Brothers would say about skill acquisition is an excellent conversation with Stuart Armstrong and Phil Kearney on fundamental movement skills, variability of practice for retention and transfer, the constraints led approach to skill acquisition and what dose of training is required for learning to occur.

Physical education: What if we took away the pressure to be good at sports? is a piece on debating what PE should like as Norway will be implementing a new physical education curriculum in 2020.

General PE

Primary PE

Secondary PE

Tech in PE

Academic PE

Research in PE

PE Podcasts and Videos

School and Youth Sport

Other Articles of Interest

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